Reservar para 1 noche
9.6 Excelente 212 Calificaciones

Cacica, Cacica, Județul Suceava

Vatra Boiereasca Cacica - Sistema de reservas oficial

Your stay at Vatra Boierească starts at the moment when you leave the European road and you keep going towards the Saline Hill of Cacica (Bukovina), leaving behind any concern, any noise, any problem. At the end of the road you will find a wonder land, exclusively dedicated to the 17 rooms of  Vatra Boierească, to a carefully attended garden, to a pond pontoon and to a gazebo with a barbecue area, and also to a restaurant with fresh food and many other places and surprizes that you will always remember.


In bygone days, in the middle of large villages, there was the manor, the dwelling of the boyars, great landowners. The same in our case, the manor is imposingly rising and watching over the other parts of Vatra Boierească, and also over the pastoral surroundings of the wooded area.

Thus, if you want to feel as people used to live in older days and enjoy the lordly comfort, you must rest for at least a few days in one of the 6 rooms or 2 apartments, situated on two floors, where you will also discover a large events hall, and also a kitchen equipped with everything that is necessary to a fine chef.

From the rooms windows you will be rewarded with a dream view over the woods that gloriously surrounds Vatra Boierească, and on the porch you will be able to sit on a swing and watch the pond and the traditional houses.

The accommodation capacity of the manor is of 20 adults.


Our location is indeed a special one, especially due to the three traditional houses brought all the way from Straja and Brodina, in order to enchant your sight and enjoy them, just as our ancestors once did.

Inside of them you will find the warm atmosphere of a simple life, a Bukovina authentic life, but with a modern hint for a maximum relaxation, such as electricity, heating, water and interior bathrooms.

Each house has 3 rooms with two twin beds, displayed on 2 floors (one on the ground floor and two in the attic), 2 bathrooms- one on each floor, and also a room where you can eat. In the room on the ground floor, the little ones can enjoy a relaxing sleep right on the stove.

The accommodation capacity of a house is of 4 adults and 2 children or 6 adults.


We have plenty of places where you can eat. In the restaurant of the manor (with a capacity up to 70 places and with the possibility to extend on the terrace), and in the houses, and also on the pond of Vatra Boierească. Wherever you will want to taste our dishes, we can only say that the food is natural, the raw material coming from our own farm with animals near Suceava. We even have a grocery store (called Băcănia Boierească) with traditional products smoked in our steak house. That is the place where we marinate, mature and season with mixes of natural spices, no E numbers and no harmful preservatives of additives. In the end we smoke them with cherry tree sawdust and beech wood smoke in our smoker.

We are offering you three types of accommodation, meaning with breakfast included, halfboard included or all inclusive (breakfast, lunch, diner, water and drinks of the house).

About other benefits during your stay with us
- intimacy ( Vatra Boierească is situated in a quiet area, near the woods),
- pontoon on the pond with a gazebo where you have access to barbecue,
- nearby we also have a sheepfold where you can provide yourselves with dairy products, or you can try the famous balmoș, a dish specific to the area,
- if you visit us accompanied by children, well, they can enjoy fishing on the pond, or a ride in the wagon,
- walking through the garden of Vatra Boierească or through the woods that surrounds it,
- fire pit– where you can make a fire camp or spit goodies – it is organized only by order with at least one week in advance and it is chargeable.

Características Vatra Boiereasca Cacica
Restaurante, Desayuno, Zona para fumadores, Habitaciones para no fumadores, Habitaciones familiares, Terraza, Jardín

Aparcamiento gratuito.

Conference rooms

acceso a Internet está disponible de forma gratuita.

Barbacoa, Juegos para niños, Pesca, Sauna, Terraza

Idiomas hablados
Română    English   

Métodos de pago
Efectivo (RON)       Visa       MasterCard      

Holiday card

9.6 Excelente 212 Calificaciones
  • Mi reserva
  • March, 01


    March, 02


    Reservar para 1 noche
9.6 Excelente 212 Calificaciones


Review score

Restaurant Menu
Value for money
  • A
    Andrei Romania Romania
    Answered on 24 February 2025


     ·  Casuta traditionala in care am fost cazati este inca foarte bine conservata.
     ·  Atmosfera n.a mai fost la fel de placuta ca prima data...atitudinea personalului nu a mai fost la fel de calda, iar acest lucru a influentat negativ șederea.
    Stayed January 2025
  • O
    Olteanu Romania Romania
    Answered on 07 January 2025


     ·  Atmosfera rustica, tihnita rnMasa cu produse locale
     ·  Își găseau bine locul un cățel și o pisica, sa fie atmosfera rurală clasica
    Stayed January 2025
  • D
    Donisan Romania Romania
    Answered on 03 January 2025


     ·  Perfecta
    Stayed December 2024
  • V
    Veringa Romania Romania
    Answered on 31 December 2024

    Muy bien

     ·  Locul e minunat; am rezervat din Germania cu speranta sa regasim locurile copilariei, in spirit modern. Casutele traditionale sunt extraordinare, peisajul de exceptie. Vom reveni cu drag la vara
     ·  Masa de seara gustoasa dar cu un singur meniu e cam greu sa satisfaci toate gusturile unui grup mai mare.
    Stayed December 2024
  • E
    Eduard Romania Romania
    Answered on 31 December 2024


     ·  Am fost plăcuți impresionați de casa tradițională (nr.1) în care am stat cazați, de simplitatea și confortul ce îl oferea ( deși o canapea în fața șemineului ar fi fost de vis).rn Mâncarea cu gust, personalul amabil și tot timpul dispus sa ajute.rn A fost un mini sejur frumos!rnO să recomandam cu drag acestă locație și prietenilor, alături de care speram sa revenim cât de curând.
     ·  Nimic contra, doar ceva recomandari:rn 1.Au fost mici defecțiuni ( ușa, dus, siguranță electrica) ce ar fi putut fi observate și remediate înainte de preluare cazare.rn2. As sugera ca pentru cina sa fie 2 -3 variante din care sa se poată alege.rn3. Poate nu am prins noi, dar ar fi frumoas să fie organizate niște seri tematice traditionale( chiar și contra cost) cu dansuri și obiceiuri din zona.rn
    Stayed December 2024
  • M
    Marian Romania Romania
    Answered on 29 December 2024


     ·  Wow!!! Nota 10. O sa revin cu drag. Am avut un Craciun de vis la voi. Bravo! Totul a fost la superlativ. Mancare buna,traditionala,multa. Personal foarte atent. Am simtit bucuria de a avea oaspeti. Asa da. Felicitari pentru ce faceti si pentru oamenii care sunteti.
    Stayed December 2024
  • R
    ROBERT Romania Romania
    Answered on 27 December 2024


     ·  Totul minunat!!! Mulțumim
     ·  Nu exista
    Stayed December 2024
  • M
    Marza Romania Romania
    Answered on 09 December 2024


     ·  Super
    Stayed December 2024
  • B
    Buduca Romania Romania
    Answered on 03 December 2024


     ·  View superb
     ·  Micul dejun un pic mai diversificat
    Stayed November 2024
  • I
    Ioana Raluca Romania Romania
    Answered on 02 December 2024


     ·  Conditii excelente, seara romaneasca delicioasa.
     ·  Va rugam, daca este posibil, sa puneti si niste pliculete cu balsam de par in baie. Dar nu este foarte important.
    Stayed November 2024